These are some Free Software projects
I'm involved with, where my contribution is significant enough to be mentioned here:
Sisyphus is a daily renewed repository of packages maintained by ALT Linux Team.
APT-RPM: a port of Debian's APT tools to a RPM based distribution.
autossh: a tool for automatically restart ssh sessions and tunnels.
bash: the GNU Bourne Again SHell.
bind: the ISC BIND server.
binutils: the GNU Binary Utility Development Utilities.
bison: a GNU general-purpose parser generator.
bzip2: a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor.
chkconfig: a system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc.d hierarchy.
chkfontpath: a simple interface for editing the font path for the X font server.
chrooted: a chrooted environment infrastructure helper.
chrpath: a dynamic library load path editor.
cmdproxyd: a command proxy daemon.
consolehelper: a wrapper that helps console users run system programs.
control: a set of scripts to control installed system facilities.
coreutils: the GNU versions of common management utilities.
cpio: a GNU archiving program.
cvs: a version control system.
dietlibc: a C library optimized for size.
e2fsprogs: the filesystem utilities for the ext2/ext3 filesystems.
ed: the GNU line editor.
fakeroot: a tool for run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation.
file: a utility for determining file types.
findutils: the GNU versions of find utilities.
freeciv: the Freeciv multi-player strategy game.
glibc: the GNU libc libraries.
gpm: a mouse server for the Linux console.
hashalot: a binary hash generator.
hasher: a modern safe package building technology.
hasher-priv: a privileged helper for the hasher project.
hwclock: a tool to query and set the hardware clock.
iftop: a tool to display bandwidth usage on an interface.
imlib: an image loading and rendering library for X11.
iproute2: an enhanced IP routing and network devices configuration tools.
iputils: network monitoring tools including ping.
kernel-headers-common: common header files for the Linux kernel.
lftp: a sophisticated command line file transfer program.
libcap: a library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities.
libnoch: a stab wrappers for chmod and chown calls.
libpopt: a library for parsing command line parameters.
libsigc++: a typesafe signal framework for C++.
libtiff: a library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files.
libtool: the GNU portable library tool.
libutempter: a privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates.
linux: the Linux kernel.
logrotate: rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files.
magicpoint: a presentation tool.
make: a GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs.
man: a set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis.
mingetty: a compact getty program for virtual consoles only.
mkbootdisk: a tool to create standalone boot floppy disk for the running system.
mkinitrd: a tool to create initial ramdisk image for preloading modules.
modutils: a kernel module utilities.
mtr: a network diagnostic tool.
MySQL: the MySQL Database System.
ncurses: a CRT screen handling and optimization package.
ngrep: a network grep.
nmap: a network exploration tool and security scanner.
ntp: the Network Time Protocol suit.
nut: a network UPS Tools.
openpam: the OpenPAM.
openssh: the OpenSSH free Secure Shell.
pam: the Linux-PAM.
pam_userpass: a pluggable authentication module for USER/PASS-style protocols.
passed: the passwd utility.
patchutils: a small collection of programs that operate on patch files.
pcre: a Perl-compatible regular expression library.
pmake: a BSD 4.4 version of make.
popa3d: a tiny secure POP3 daemon.
postfix: the Postfix mail transport agent.
privoxy: a privacy enhancing proxy.
procmail: a procmail mail processing suit.
quota: system administration tools for monitoring users' disk usage.
rcf: an ipchains firewall for linux.
readline: a library for editing typed in command lines.
rpm: the RPM package management system.
rpm-utils: utilities every rpm packager should have.
rsync: a program for synchronizing files over a network.
sash: a statically linked shell, including some built-in basic commands.
scanlogd: a tool to detect and log TCP port scans.
screen: a screen manager that supports multiple sessions on one terminal.
sed: a GNU stream text editor.
service: service start/stop scripts.
setproctitle: a setproctitle library.
setup: a set of initial configuration files.
shadow: utilities for managing shadow password files and user/group accounts.
SimplePAMApps: simple PAM-based Applications (login, su).
sisyphus: helpers for Sisyphus.
sisyphus_check: a package validator for Sisyphus.
slocate: tools for finding files on a system via central file name database.
startup: system startup scripts.
stmpclean: a safe temporary directory cleaner.
strace: a tool for tracking and displaing system calls associated with a running process.
sudo: a tool which allows command execution as another user.
sysklogd: a system logging daemon.
SysVinit: programs which control basic system processes.
tcb: the tcb password shadowing scheme.
tcpdump: a network traffic monitoring tool.
tcptraceroute: a traceroute implementation using TCP packets.
tcp_wrappers: a security tool which acts as a wrapper for network services.
texinfo: tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files.
tinycdb: the constant database tinycdb library.
traceroute: traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network.
userpasswd: a graphical tool for changing password.
util-linux: a collection of basic system utilities.
vixie-cron: a cron daemon.
vlock: a program which locks one or more virtual consoles.
vsftpd: an FTP server.
wm-select: an application for selecting window manager at startup.
xinetd: an inetd replacement.
xinitrc: default startup scripts for the X Window System.
xres: a tool for changing the X screen resolution.
xterm: a standard terminal emulator for the X Window System.
xvfb-run: a utility to run process under Xvfb server.
zlib: The zlib compression and decompression library.